Teuk Chhou Rapids and Tada Waterfall

All the way upstream, across the River from town is a place with many food stands in the trees, right along the River.  About a 15 minute drive from town.

Very popular here on the weekends and holidays.

On the right side of the road, you’ll see the stands.

You can get a drink or meal here, and take a dip.  Tire tubes and kayaks available for rent.

Tada Waterfall Koh Tada and Teuk chhou waterfall in kampot cambodia

A little further up the road, you’ll see a bottled water factory, and across the street, you’ll see people sitting in the water.

A little further up, at Tada Waterfall you pay $1 (One Dollar) to get in (and another 25 cents or more to park?), and you’ll find nice scenery here, and a real waterfall!  Dry Season, November to April, the water is just a trickle, but it’s still great.  Rainy Season, July to October, can be flooded, but definitely a waterfall then.

 The last stop has the best scenery and the most fun.