Your first Music store in Kampot!
Located downtown, a couple of streets from the Kampot River, near the Old Market, NO STRINGS ATTACHED welcomes all the music lovers of the world.
Many kind of instruments and musical accessories . Our team provides diagnostic and gear repairs as well.
If you need an advice, a guitar lesson, drum lesson, sax lesson, we are here for you too!
Promoting the local music scene. Providing advice and teaching. Offering a large range of instrument prices (from beginner to professional gear). Fixing your guitar. Delivering all over the Kingdom of Cambodia.
That’s our goal at No Strings Attached Kampot. That’s what we do. Because we love Music!
Music is Life!!
Opening hours : Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 6pm
Pat & Mimi : 069288303
Max : 0962950148
Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/nostringsattachedkampot/