Sony’s Phnom Doang Restaurant
Sony Phnom Doang Bungalows

The least interesting restaurant on this website.
Unless you’re at the Kampot Beach, and then it’s the most interesting!
Only restaurant around this section of Fish Island.
All the land buyers stop here while looking for land and building their fences.
The restaurant is about 2 minutes before the Kampot Beach.
Drinks and meals and snacks.
Probably no English spoken, but hopefully one of the other customers can translate.
And Sony Phnom Doang Bungalows, along the Kampot River

The Sony Phnum Doang Guesthouse is along the Kampot River. About 6, $25 bungalows with a bed, fan, light and mosquito net. The bathroom is just outside. The bungalows are right next to the River. A small Khmer restaurant and pier for fishing or docking your boat, or kayak trips (2 kayaks). A usually quiet place on the river. 3 tents. Get all the bungalows and tents and you get a private resort for the day!
Tel: 096 32 32 199

Sony Phnom Doang Restaurant near the Beach
Sony Phnom Doang Bungalows